Tag Archives: New seasons

Winds Of Change //

Have you ever felt something stirring up inside of you that you just couldn’t contain any longer? Maybe you were entering a new season in your life or a new dream was being birthed inside of you? Perhaps you experienced feelings of fear, excitement, anxiousness or joy?

God has really been doing some crazy things in my life lately. You see, I’ve had such a huge dream and felt called to so many things for the longest time. I have prayed for many years for the opportunity to ‘live out my calling’. I’ll tell you what- I have been s t r e t c h e d like nobody’s business lately. God has shown me that He will use anyone He wants to accomplish what needs to be done. And when you are faithful and willing to be used, you are also blessed abundantly. I have been spiritually and emotionally blessed because of the ways that He has been using me.

Over the last few weeks or so, God has been revealing new things to me. Some things were very evident, and others not so much at first. I find it so funny how The Lord can show us a dream and we think we know it all and how it ends up. I have embedded in my mind and in my heart, this idea of how I would fulfill the dream that God has given to me and what it would look like years down the road. I had forgotten that He sees the bigger picture and His plan for my life is far greater than my expectations. Through this journey, He has taught me more about myself. He has shown me that the little things that I thought were trifling and unimportant all add up as a part of His beautiful and perfect plan. Even when I feel that I am stuck in a rut and not getting anywhere, He is at work in me.

I have come to realize that I am certainly beginning a new season in my life. Although I don’t know quite what God has in store, I couldn’t possibly be any more excited. To be honest, my heart has been so full lately, it may even explode! I rest in the thought that He already has it all figured out and I am just along for the ride, ready and willing to go wherever He leads me. Greater things are yet to come!


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